Saturday, October 27, 2007

week 6 # 15

I have found since I've been working at the library, it's more than just books. Before, the only time I came to the library was to find books for reports or research papers. I never realized how many things the library had to offer. These days, people are in such a hurry, they want to be able to come and get what they want without spending time looking for it. We live in such a fast-pace society we don't have time to do a lot of research.
The library as a whole is making changes to help the public learn. I always thought to learn you had to be able to read, now they offer books we can listen to on CD. People can listen in their cars as they're driving back and forth to work. So many people have lap-tops or ipods, in which they use to store information.
Libraries will always be around, I just think you'll begin seeing more electronic devices being used in the library. These devices will store so much more information. I believe there will be more information available. People will be able to access more and more information and stats, etc. The public will be able to use these items more efficiently.

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