Friday, April 11, 2008

#28 Spring Cleaning

It was nice to be reminded of the things we need to do. We think about opening the windows and getting the dust out of the house, washing the windows, etc. We forget about the stuff on the computer, in the cabinets, closets. We see it, we just can't get motivated to do anything about the clutter. This friendly reminder helped. I'm guilty of cleaning the outside, but forgetting about the inside. My computer at home has gotten bogged down in the past because of not cleaning it out. I save articles or emails with all intentions of going back and reading them or passing them on, time just seems to pass by and before I know it, BOOM! the computer is telling me, I AM FULL!!!
Organization is not really my problem. I can keep up with things pretty well. I have 2 boys that keep me busy. I have to stay organized or I'll go under. I homeschool my boys, work part-time and I'm on staff at a local church. If I ever stop, I'll go under. I'm reminded of how I have to stay ahead of the game.
I did try the Google Calendar. I can see where that could work to my advantage. I can plan for the future. Every day things could go a little smoother when it comes to planning meals in advanced instead of cooking every day. I am going to try that to see if I can store some meals in the freezer. I'm sure my husband would appreciate that. I usually try to cook before going to work. It would lighten my load a little if I could prepare meals ahead of time.
Thanks for the insight.

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